Thursday, July 10, 2003

Sorry -- I didn't realize how long it's been since I updated. These three days have been good -- I've been getting some info on local banks and wireless calling plans, doing a lot of walking around, and keeping Lexi and Leslie company on various tasks. To my K&T cronies -- the best bank around according to my research is that esteemed and honorable bank right above you. (You understand why I'm being cryptic -- the internet being public). I'm going today to set up an account!

On a different note, I am reading the 5th Harry Potter book -- it's pretty good, in that its style and tone and general set-up is very consistent with the first four. (Thanks Leslie.) I am still reading Bill Bryson's Mother Tongue -- a GREAT book about the English language, if you are a linguaphile at all -- factual without being dull, lots of great trivia and hilarious idiosyncracies -- but I needed a good story to get my momentum back.

We are preparing for a weekend get away at a beach house that a group of us is renting -- it should be excellent fun, and I am looking forward to being around the ocean. Which is not to say that I am at the point where I need a break from the city, but I always love a good jaunt in the natural world. So I will most likely not be updating this again until Sunday or Monday. The weather, by the way, is gorgeous here -- I hope the heat wave has broken out there...

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