Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Teaching an old blog new tricks

Well, hello there. It's been over two months since I updated, and what a coupla months it's been. Since I wrote that graduation post, I:
  • packed (read: watched my husband pack) up our house in Denver into a pod
  • packed my dog and my mom into a car and drove all the way out to CT
  • enrolled my dog in "Auntie M's Doggie Summer Camp" (Tika stayed up the road with my aunt and her dogs due to some territorial doodles at my mom's house)
  • lived in my mom's house for a month and worked on preparing for baby's arrival
  • started up appointments at a new OB's office
  • reunited with my husband after his own road trip upon successful completion of his Project Manager job in Wyoming
  • enjoyed a second, extremely successful baby shower thrown by mom on what turned out to be the hottest day of the summer
  • greeted the arrival of the pod in CT with only one torn lampshade as a moving casualty
  • moved (read: watched my mom, aunt, and husband move) all our stuff into our new apartment at the boarding school where I will be working this fall
  • spent our first few nights in the new apartment
And now, though we have the apartment livable, we're working on unpacking and organizing all those boxes, as well as acclimating Tika to her new home and lifestyle. She spent her first night here last night and seems mildly confused and as usual mostly unfazed. Perhaps the husky in her is what makes her so adaptable to what has been almost a nomadic lifestyle. We have been lucky that she's a total champ that way. I'm hoping she'll be similarly flexible when the baby is born and becomes the newest member of the pack, and when the girls get back to school and the nightly home invasion begins!
So, two more events to go: the arrival of said newborn, and the start of said job. The newborn's not disclosing its arrival yet but the girls will be here starting September 3rd.
Wish us all luck!

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