So the wedding was really cool. I already knew that I really like S's friends, and seeing them again only confirmed it. The bride wore the veil her grandmother wore to her wedding. The wedding was held on the
Balclutha, a real ship preserved as a museum down at Hyde Street Pier. The ceremony was held up top and then the reception was held below; it was such a whimsical venue. The ceremony was very concise without leaving anything out or feeling rushed. I did find an outfit -- though the right dresses to wear on a ship at night are just not in season yet -- and enjoyed myself immensely.
In other news, I got a new phone. I'm very excited. My old one was crapping out a lot, incredibly finicky about reception, and basically just getting senile. So I invested a little more cash and got a new one...
Here it is. Isn't it lovely?

Aesthetics aside, Motorola's are known for being good, solid phones and having great reception, and plus it comes with all kinds of features, including a camera. I'm addicted to it already. Give me a call!
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