Friday, June 20, 2003

A List to sum up the trip from Williamsburg, Virginia to Lexington, Kentucky:

Left at 8am, arrived 4pm.
Number of Cookies my Step-Mom sent with me: 15, and a fresh baked loaf of bread.
Best Names of Things: Mechunk River (VA); Lake Moomaw (VA); Humpback Bridge (VA)
Best Names of Towns: Mossy, WV; Nitro, WV; Hurricane, WV; Salt Lick, KY
Best Multipurpose Name: Kanawha County, Turnpike, Road, Boulevard, & River. (This is an inside joke with D&P: "Kanawha" made me laugh because it sounds like "Can I WHAT??" if you're FIB. Wai' Wha'?)
Best License Plates: AIGHT DN; GOT JZUS.
Last Foreseen Dunkin' Donuts that I might ever get to have again: Fisherville, VA. (This was a "self serve" D&D in a mini-mart/gas place. Never before known to me that D&D can be self-serve, but it didn't cut down on the magic.)
Road Kill Factor: surprisingly minimal.
Most Beautiful: the Allegheny/Blue Ridge Mountains, which I drove through, around, and over quite thoroughly on Rte 64. It started with light green trees and embankments directly by the highway (and bazillions of red, pink, and purple wild flowers); then panned back to a rich forest green on the nearby hills; and then a green so deep that it was blue on the mounts in the distance. (Aptly named.) Cap off with lush fog and you have quite a sight. The road took you over them, so there were vertical panoramas off over either shoulder. And the Kanawha River ran along and under the road around Charleston as well -- Ch. may be one of the more beautifully situated capitals in the U.S. (As a city itself, it's got the usual run-down industrial buildings and gold-capped capital building; but we're talking location, location, location.) It was breathtaking. I have pictures. Will send you the whole album on when I get through with the trip.
Biggest Annoyance: Pick-up trucks playing aggressive tortoise and hare in the left lane. BUZZ OFF!
Runner up: TORRENTIAL RAIN as I first got into the B.R. Mounts. But also gorgeous in a way.
Road Buddy: A red Honda CR-V from Ohio played road frog with me (think leap frog only in cars on 2 lane hwys) from Charlottesville, VA to Roncevert, WV -- quite a distance. Then construction forced the 70mph limit down to 55mph, and then the CR-V got in front of a truck and I got stuck behind him, and then the road reduced to one lane and the truck, who couldn't hack the hills, reduced to 35mph for about 5-8 miles. When I FINALLY got out from behind him, my road buddy was gone. But it doesn't end there: I randomly stopped at a rest-stop at Paint Creek in WV to take a picture of the Blue Ridge Mts nearly an hour later. I got back in my car, went to back up, and saw a Red CR-V parked behind me. When I turned around and got a look at it -- you guessed it -- it was the same CR-V. If it wasn't a mental game I was playing with myself, I would have left a note. ;)
Thanks to my Dad & Sandie for hosting me for a night, helping me with all those last minute tasks, and stuffing me full of nutritious food before I began the car-carbo marathon that will sustain me for most of my's looking at you, kids.

By the way, whether it was an early blast of adrenalin or I've inherited the Pratt car stamina, today's 8 hours were a piece of cake. No worries!

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