So let's see...the new house. The new house is just fine. It's kind of a lemon; in the past two months of living here we've had a mouse (Tika and Kali took care of that little problem on a doggie-date day), a shower drain that backed up and was barfing out stuff from our garbage disposal, leakage problems in the rooms downstairs, the kitchen sink's spigot spontaneously shooting off (fortunately that one just needed to be screwed back in), and a front-loading washing machine that occasionally doesn't drain fully. Fortunately most of this stuff, aside from the foundation leakage, just needed to be fixed, and I live with one of the fixiest people in the world. The nice thing about these little cruddy occurrences is we're not terribly attached to the house, so we won't be reluctant to leave when it comes time for that. Other than that, we like it. We hosted a halloween party with a zombie make up bar, and you can see some shots of the house in the photos:

Behind Sam is a view of pretty much the entire upstairs. The railing behind her is for the stairs leading down to the bedrooms. Behind that railing is where we watch tv. Directly to the right of Sam in the picture (you can see the cups on the edge of the table) is the "dining" area:

(Steve was half hick, half sociopath, all zombie-proof. Note his glorious mullet wig.)
Directly across from the dining area is the kitchen, which is pretty galley as kitchens go:

We're pretty much taking up all the kitchen space here. Daniela's elbow points to the stove, and mine kinda points at the fridge. (I was a 50's Zombie Housewife, and Daniela was a zebra.)
Pretty nice party space, aside from the wall to wall beige carpeting.
Alright...back to finals...maybe more on Colorado life once they're over. :)
Love the housewife zombie. silly.