Wednesday, October 05, 2005


I've been hearing the phrase 'navel gazing' boundied* about for a while, and today I finally decided to see from whence it came.

Found an unexpected answer here -- it came from monks!!

*so this is obviously not a word. I didn't even notice it at first. I meant to say "bandied about" or "bounced around" and got "boundied." I stand by my completely made up word -- it's obviously divine inspiration as a direct result of hesychasm.

1 comment:

  1. Significance of the navel in spiritual and metaphysical thought is very interesting. Carlos Castaneda said that the area around the navel is a very intense power center, the ponderance of which is vital to the connection with our 'other selves' and the 'other world'.

    "A warrior notices that he can actually touch anything he wants with a feeling that comes out of his body right above or below the navel. When he can actually grab things with it he has become a sorcerer and has acquired will."

    "To enter lucid dreaming, a man concentrates on the sternum (top of the belly) and moves from the will (2'' below navel). A woman does both from womb."

    Stay tuned for my first novel – Navel: Power Beneath the Lint
