Right now on our stove a pot of corned beef is merrily boiling away. Parents of mine reading this will recognize the extraordinariness of this admission -- as a wee one, I
loathed corned beef. I continued to loathe it, even after trying it again in my adulthood, until a year or two ago when that husband of mine decided he was going to make it himself to show me its delicious potential.
He was right. (I hate it when that happens. At least he was deliciously right!)
Why, oh why, is corned beef so often dry, salty, chewy and generally icky? S showed me it can be moist and even slightly sweet. I love his version of it. Throw in some cabbage and potatoes and I'm in hog heaven. Which is what we have planned for dinner tonight. I can't wait!
Lest we stray from the ethnic fare today, S. also cooked up some carne asada from flank steak this morning. It smelled so good I sat down with a fork and ate it plain, sans accoutrement. Oh the warm spicy happiness in my belly.
Now if only we were as creative and consistent about exercise as we are about cooking...
Cooking opportunity aside, today marks another very important event: the 7 year anniversary of one mom and one recently-upgraded-to-step-dad, or "3D" as Fred deemed him.

A long, long time ago in a Fish House far far away, two souls were blessed by the Luck o' th'Irish and have been divesting each other of creme brulee ever since.
Happy Anniversary Mom & Sabatini!!