Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Today marks my 3 year anniversary at the Donor Network. Remarkable. Not only have I worked here longer than any other job I've had, but I've worked here longer than all my other post-graduation jobs combined!

In honor of this momentous occasion, I wanted to let you know of three new corporate-speak alerts. We all know that the lingo flies fast and furious in an office...but have you heard these recent new-comers to the scene?

Have Energy About: A guarded way to state that you're really worked up and angry about something. E.g.: "Can I talk to you privately about something? I have a lot of energy around it and I need feedback..."

Bucket(s): a way to financially group costs, employees, etc. "Let me know if that event is going to cost a lot because if I have to put it in a different bucket I will."

Operationalize: Taking something theoretical (or not perfectly functional) and making it practical. "We need to work on operationalizing this plan so it makes sense given work flow."

As an addendum, Fred notes that he's hearing a lot of "the reality is..." over in Virginia!


  1. *shudders* You are making me regret thinking of taking a "normal" job. Those buzzwords make me want to kill. People. With spoons.

  2. Per Yook, let's circle back to the spoon until death proposal until we can get some consensus on that initiative.
