Tuesday, July 06, 2004

I had a great 4th o' July weekend.
For starters, my CEO gave me 2 tickets to the Friday Giants v. A's game at Pac Bell, so naturally, I brought Steve. It was a lively game with another home run by Barry Bonds (I believe it was #680) and the Giants won. At the end of it was a fireworks display set to big band tunes -- pretty dazzling.
The next day we went back up to Bruins Lair for a less-than-24-hour stay. Mostly because the owners had a grill with two legs broken off and asked Steve if he would weld it back together in time for their big Sunday dinner. Being the nice guy and star-welder that he is, he agreed; and since he had to work on Saturday and Monday (don't ask) I knew it would be a brief jaunt and decided to go with him. As it turned out, his mig-welder blew a circuit almost immediately, and he had to do some innovative solutions involving L-shaped brackets, nuts and bolts. Everyone's vote was that it was a pretty ingenious solution. ;0)
As opposed to the 15 or so people of last weekend, there were 225 up there. The campground is spaced out enough that the impact wasn't horribly noticeable -- though there was a lot of noise at night, DJing through most of the day, lots of people in the pond -- but not nearly as bad as I had anticipated. I got some quiet time when I woke up at the crack of dawn Sunday morning -- I sat by the pond and listened to all the bird calls and watched the sun come up over the pine trees. And Steve and I mostly stuck to ourselves anyway. So it was worth it, and now that the summer celebration has come and gone, Bruins Lair weekends go back to being small groups who come up and relax in exchange for some light work. We're looking forward to going back. :)
On the way home, we stopped at Steve's art space to drop off the welder, and in doing so drove through Bayview, one of the poorest neighborhoods in SF. It was pretty scary in that it was the 4th, and people were setting off fireworks in the streets -- indeed, we had to drive around a clump of kids mid-street at one point -- so there were fireworks going off all around us with loud reports and sudden flashes. It is perhaps the closest I'll ever come to even the suggestion of a war zone (with any luck, anyway), and I was glad to drop off his stuff and go.
I spent most of yesterday sleeping and doing some much needed lazing about. When Steve got done with work, we ordered Chinese and watched Futurama on DVD. All in all, a restful and companionable weekend. Hope yours was enjoyable too!

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